Privacy policy
When you use the services of The Vitality Game, we ask you for your personal data, such as your name, date of birth, address and your contact details such as your telephone number, e-mail address and any relevant personal and/or medical data. This data is of course treated confidentially and great importance is attached to its protection. This is laid down in the General Data Protection Regulation (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming). Below you can read why we need this data and how we handle it.
What & why?
The Vitality Game needs your personal data to carry out its work and to provide you with our best advice in the field of Food, Hormones & Lifestyle. The Vitality Game also uses your data in a special app (Healthie) to be able to communicate about this in a pleasant and efficient way. We explicitly ask you for permission at the start of the process and we will never share this information for other purposes without specific permission.
Security and 3rd parties
The Vitality Game takes the protection of your data seriously and will not only handle it carefully, but will also take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access and/or misuse. In reality, it can happen that a referral takes place to a 3rd party such as a personal trainer, sports coach, dietician or other experts. This will of course only be done in consultation and with the approval of the client. We also (now or in the future) use 3rd parties such as for web design/hosting, processing payments, taking care of the (financial) administration and the telehealth platform Healthie for efficient, customer-oriented communication. We choose to work with parties that will respect your privacy as much as we do.
Any questions?
If you have specific questions about the use of your personal data by The Vitality Game, you can contact us by sending an email to For more information about privacy, please visit the following website:
The Vitality Game
Katshoek 21
3032 AE Rotterdam
KvK nummer: 64998886